MatrixGold 3.3.23086.1001 Release Notes
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Bug Fixes:
Toolbar: Curves: Flip Curve:
The Flip Curve icon was slightly larger than the rest, causing a minor issue with switching between the Curve category and any other category. The Flip Curve icon has been resized to fit properly.
Older Files: Gumball/ViewPort Control Handles (VPCH): Move/Rotate:
Some files from previous versions of MatrixGold were not populating the Move/Rotate VPCH. Those VPCH should now show in the Viewport where applicable.
Toolbar: Curves: Extrude Curve:
The last release introduced a bug with Extrude Curve, which prevented it from working with open curves. This has been resolved, and Extrude Curve should work with open curves again.
Preferences: Status Bar:
Status Bar preferences were saving but not populating correctly on launch. Now, those preferences should save and load correctly between sessions.
General Improvements:
Tools: Profile Placer: Placement Method:
New Placement Method – Frontal
This orientation behaves similarly to Matrix Legacy and RhinoGold, keeping profiles perpendicular when assigned to non-planar rails.
Tools: Gems: Gem On Curve:
Spacing Method: Fixed:
Fixed Spacing should now work correctly.
Start Type: Gem Edge:
Added functionality for Gem Edge starting position.
UI Updates:
More UI updates.
Context Menu Updated.
Ring Resizer Panel Updated.
Gem Input Window Updated.
Expander Updated.
Localized ComboBoxes:
Tools: Gems: Gem On Curve:
Gem Orientation Methods:
Gem Placement Methods:
Table Gem
Spacing Methods:
Minimum Scaled
Tools: Settings: Head:
Base Styles:
Head Point
Head Cut to Point
Tools: Tools: Profile Placer:
Profile Placement Method:
Legacy Migration: Outside Ring Rails:
Legacy Matrix Migration Wizard should now correctly populate Outside Ring Rails,
allowing users to import and use legacy outside ring rails.
Tools: Solid: Object On Curve:
Added functionality to select multiple reference objects to add to the curve. Previously, only one could be selected.
Geometry: Objects: Planar Objects:
Prevented scalar handles from collapsing into one location on planar objects.
Tools: Ring Resizer: Various:
In some cases, the default tolerance was causing odd shapes to appear in some files.
The tolerance has been lowered, and the odd shapes should not appear.
Added functionality to check for invalid geometry.
Added an associated warning message if invalid geometry was found.
In some cases, grid amplification prevented some valid geometry from being added to the document.
The grid amplification has been increased, and the geometry should now
In some cases, Ring Resizer located a curve on the Ring Rail and treated it as the Ring Rail.
Added a check to prevent those cases from occurring.
Added Korean Ring Sizes.
Tools: Settings: Halo:
Halo Override:
Added new functionality to adjust the Halo’s shape without adjusting the
center stone.
Tools: Tools: Tech Report:
Added functionality to save tech report as PDF.
Tools: Tools: Gem Report:
Added functionality to export gem report as TXT file.
Fixed additional cases involving the ‘Only Visible’ option.
Tools: Cutters: Micro Prong Cutter:
VPCH will now rotate along with the cutter.
Tools: Gems: Gem Guides:
Center Point Toggle:
Fixed the orientation of the Center Gem Guide when the Gem is rotated.
Added functionality to toggle the Center Gem Guide’s direction.
The Center Gem Guide can point toward other Gem Guides.
Only available when the Center Gem Guide is enabled.
Tools: Gems: Gem On Surface:
Fixed and issue where VPCH was sometimes attached to wrong gem.
Tools: Gems: Custom Gem Builder:
Added localization.
Fixed issue of controls failing when set to French language.
New Features:
Tools: Curves: Dynamic Change Seam:
This tool allows the designer to change the seam point of a curve and retain parametric capabilities.
Tools: Curves: Dynamic Project:
This tool allows the designer to project curves and retain parametric capabilities.
Tools: Curves: Dynamic Rebuild:
This tool allows the designer to rebuild a curve and retain parametric capabilities.
MatrixGold 3.3.23097.1001 Release Notes
Bug Fixes:
Gem On Curve Mirroring has been fixed.
MatrixGold 3.3